Wednesday, June 17, 2015

About Me

Hey friends!

To make this a little more personal (and in case there's anything that I've done that you are interested in and have questions about) here's a little about me so you know where all this (hopefully) great advice is coming from.

I am a born and bred California girl. I was raised in a little suburb outside of Los Angeles and just recently graduated from UCLA (GO BRUINS!!!!) with a degree in psychobiology and a minor in disability studies. 

Two of my biggest passions are sports and traveling. I played softball for 15 years and basketball for 12, and got recruited to play college softball before hanging up my cleats and picking UCLA. Now, I keep active by doing yoga, kickboxing, hiking anywhere and everywhere, and doing Tough Mudders and Spartan runs. I also love to travel. I did two months of study abroad my junior year in Spain (without exaggeration the greatest experience of my entire life) where I got to tour castles, kiss a camel in Morocco, run with the bulls, and eat tapas every day. I also got to travel to Oklahoma (maybe not as exotic as Spain but still an amazing trip) while in college on a Habitat for Humanity trip, and am currently planning a cross-country road trip now that I'm out of school. Outside of school, some of the places I've been lucky enough to go to are Hawaii, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Italy.

In my free time, I love to be active, root on my favorite sports teams (Go Packers/Giants/Lakers/UCLA!!), and read. Some of the authors I've been into lately are Charles Krauthammer, Thomas Sowell, Malcolm Gladwell, Sidney Sheldon and Andrew Carnegie.

So, if there's anything else you want to know about me, or if you have any questions about study abroad or traveling, please hit me up!

~Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough~

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