Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Off Days

Hey friends!

There are no ifs, ands or buts about it: the MCAT is a pain in the butt. For roughly three or so months you are going to have a full time job of going to class and studying if you have any hope of doing well.

However, just as important as the studying is taking time off to maintain your sanity. The first time I took the test, I broke up my time by doing a little bit of research over the summer (only for a few hours a week), going to the gym a few times a week to stay fit and relieve some stress, and spending the rest of my down time with my boyfriend goofing around like doing movie dates, watching Netflix or going to a trampoline park. The second time around I basically did the same thing, going to the gym every day, did yoga once a week, and setting aside one or two nights a week to do absolutely nothing MCAT-related, whether it was going out to dinner with friends or doing wine/Netflix/Cards Against Humanity night with my roommates.

The point is, work hard but don't kill yourself. It's okay to go out and get drinks or take a day off for a holiday. It's not going to make a difference between you getting a 500 and a 528. More importantly, it's going to allow you to de-stress and be well-rested and well-prepared for when you get back on the study grind.

My best advice is this: spend what little free time you allow yourself with the people you love and who are going to bring out the best in you (whether it's your significant other, your friends or your family) doing relaxing things you enjoy doing. It'll make surviving this exam that much easier. 

~Stay hungry, stay foolish~

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